Herb + Ōhm

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Zero-Proof Lifestyle and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Taking a Break From Alcohol for Improved Health and Wellness

At Herb + Ōhm, we use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches to understand and treat the root cause of imbalances in the body instead of the symptoms that appear when we see our patients. Our unique diagnostic approach enables us to create customized, individual treatment plans for each of our patients when we identify the specific imbalance that exists in the body. When we go through the diagnostic process, we often ask questions about lifestyle. In the cases of stress, anxiety, digestive issues, and fatigue (all common ailments especially in Summer months), we’ll often discover that underlying imbalances are caused by certain lifestyle choices, such as drinking too much alcohol.

From a TCM perspective, regularly drinking alcohol (especially if you drink 2+ drinks in any given occasion) creates excesses in two areas: Heat and Dampness. At its core, alcohol is a diuretic, which causes the elimination of water. In Chinese medicine, when you remove water from the body, you’re left with fire—and that’s why we say alcohol causes excess heat. You can learn more about the TCM perspective on alcohol consumption here.

So, you want to take a break from booze. Sounds simple enough, and it’s a much more common choice than most people expect. According to a recent consumer poll, almost half of U.S. adults don’t drink alcohol at all, while 40% of people who do drink report that they’re drinking a lot less than they were 5 years ago. Whether it’s a day, a week, a month, or longer, our bodies often need a chance to re-set from the effects of alcohol intake, and this choice is perfectly normal. But many people who regularly consume alcohol with friends, family, and coworkers are often hesitant to take a break from drinking because of the expected or inevitable teasing/commentary that often follows. Even worse, sometimes people feel that the choice to take a break is indicative of truly having “a problem” with drinking or alcohol, and there are many stigmas associated with that label which don’t apply to the vast majority of people who re-evaluate their relationship with drinking. How often have you heard comments like these when other people have decided to avoid alcohol:

  • “What do you mean you’re not drinking! Surely you can have just one…”

  • “Why are you suddenly not drinking? Do you have a problem or something?”

  • “People who don’t drink aren’t fun.”

  • “Happy hour isn’t happy without alcohol!”

  • “How can you go out to a nice dinner without having at least one glass of wine?”

  • “It’s rude to refuse a drink from a client!”

  • “Come on, it’s a family tradition…”

  • “You can start tomorrow…”

But the experience of taking a break from alcohol doesn’t have to feel uncomfortable if you’re clear in your own mind about your “why” and practice communicating it to people who might be curious about your decision. Below are a few reasons you might be “taking a break” from alcohol. Think about whether these reasons could apply to you, and how you might use them to your advantage whenever you’re feeling like stepping away from the sauce.

Top 7 reasons people take a break from alcohol

  1. You’re Re-thinking Nutrition/Diet. From low sugar to high protein (and everything in between) there is no diet or nutritional plan that won’t be more effective by reducing alcohol consumption.

  2. You’re Training. Getting ready to tackle that first post-Covid race or fitness challenge? Cut out the alcohol and watch your results (and recovery) improve!

  3. It’s a Weekday. Maybe you have a big meeting this week, or you just want to feel well-rested for a normal day of work and the hundreds of things you have to balance every day. Taking a break from booze on weekdays only is a common reason to avoid drinking.

  4. It’s 1am on a Saturday. We all know it: Nothing good ever happened from alcohol consumed after midnight. Instead of ordering another round, order an Uber and call it a night.

  5. You’re Pregnant. This is an obvious one. Doctors and health professionals alike advise against consuming alcohol in any quantity when pregnant. But it’s also a great reason if you are in the process of trying to conceive, as alcohol impacts fertility.

  6. Working on Sleep Quality. If you’re having trouble sleeping, an easy culprit is alcohol intake. Removing alcohol helps you to sleep more deeply, which in turn leads to greater energy, less anxiety and a better sense of well-being.

  7. Improve Brain Function and Overall Health. Eliminating alcohol helps regulate emotion and improve cognition, while also boosting the health and function of every organ system in the body.

Taking a break from booze (whether temporary or permanent) has health benefits that go well beyond physical well-being. The journey begins with understanding your why and building a plan to make the transition a smooth and positive one for you. Many of our patients at Herb + Ōhm have re-evaluated their relationship with alcohol based on symptoms that are manifesting in the body (physically, emotionally, and mentally), and we have a thorough process to help our patients define new approaches to alcohol consumption that work best for their health and well-being.